"Community Food Matters to us, that's why we've come together to form a Western Foothills community food council." Ken Morse, CFM Founder
CEBE is a proud member and fiscal sponsor of Community Food Matters (CFM). Founded in 2009, CFM is one of Maine's first community food councils and a founding member of the Maine Network of Community Food Councils (MNCFC) which currently has 11 councils across the state that meet monthly to share information and resources. MNCFC has joined four other statewide organizations to form the Maine Food Convergence Project.
The mission of CFM is to implement a participatory community planning process aimed at creating a road map to move the Oxford Hills area towards food an equitable, resilient and healthy food system. As stated in our Community Food Charter, "We support open community collaboration to foster access to healthy food for all, fair compensation for producers and all food workers, and the preservation and regeneration of farmland."
Projects of Community Food Matters have included the Foothills Food Festival, a Farmer to Chef Collaborative, Edible Main Street Norway, The Western Foothills Community Food Charter, and most recently, mounting a response to COVID-19 focused on emergency food relief and increasing local food production.
In addition to CEBE, members of CFM include the Alan Day Community Garden, Fare Share Food Cooperative, Oxford Hills Wellness Collaborative, Spoke Folks Cargo Bike Cooperative, and numerous individuals.

Community food matters. As champions of this charter, we believe an inclusive and equitable local food system plays a critical role in the social, environmental, economic, and physical well-being of everyone and the planet. We support open community collaboration to foster access to healthy food for all, fair compensation for producers and all food workers, and the preservation and regeneration of farmland.
This Charter was created by community members with the help of our local food council, Community Food Matters (CFM). Now we need your help. CFM invites you to join this process; sign on as a Champion of this Foothills Community Food Charter and add your voice to the conversation!
By signing on as a champion of this Community Food Charter, you are helping to create a food system that:
Provides access to healthy local food for all
Connects local growers to eaters of all socioeconomic backgrounds
Integrates more local foods into food banks, pantries, schools and community meals
Addresses land tenure
Empowers local producers, and revitalizes food culture and traditions
Cultivates community space for events, meals, and gatherings
Honors Indigenous and New American cultures by decolonizing the food system
Promotes practical education around growing food
Connects food growers with schools and teachers
Creates more school and community gardens
Creates community food connections
Brings together farmers with institutions, businesses, food pantries and eaters
Promotes alternative business models like food cooperatives, farmers markets, CSAs, bulk buying clubs and barter/trade
Encourages fair wage jobs throughout the food system
Demonstrates the value of supporting local food
Keeps money circulating in our communities
Values connection over convenience
Reflects the true cost of food and tries to limit the negative impacts of the industrial food system
Regenerates soils and increases biodiversity
Counteracts climate change through carbon storage in soils and plants
Builds ecosystem resilience
Promotes restorative agricultural practices such as perennial polyculture, rotational grazing, and no-till
Minimizes food waste and excess packaging
Delivers surplus food to those in need
Diverts waste food to animals
Composts inedible food waste to enrich soils
Encourages accountability for environmental impacts throughout the system
Promotes healthy eating
Shares information on preparing, enjoying, and preserving local fresh foods
Values and supports trusted local food providers
Provides food that celebrates diverse cultures
Fosters healthy eating in schools, hospitals and other institutions
Grows food everywhere!
Sign on as a Champion!
Community Food Matters has been working hard to connect you with local and statewide resources that help you access healthy and local food. In addition to our resources below, follow our Facebook page for the most recent updates, resources, and events.

The Maine Food Atlas is a collaborative project created and administered by the Network of Community Food Councils and Center for Community GIS and fueled by statewide participation from hundreds of local foods businesses and organizations. Look here for state-wide food resources.

The Maine Network of Community Food Councils (MNCFC) has a vision for our state to have resilient, vibrant and self-reliant local and regional food systems, so that all Maine communities will have enduring food sovereignty and our citizens will have access to healthy, local food.